
AUGUST Studio News

Tuesday, August 1, 2017 by Cortney Baker | Uncategorized

August tuition                                            

is due at your first lesson of the month.  The envelope for tuition is hanging on the cabinet when you enter the studio.  Consult your monthly invoice for the exact amount remaining for summer lessons.

August schedule                                        

There are no lessons scheduled for the week of August 28-September 1.  
Consult your summer registration form or log in to your MyMusicStaff account to see your specific lesson dates and times.

2017-2018 Season Lesson Sign Up          

I have set up an Online Survey again to sign up for this year's lessons.  Visit this link to tell me when you are available:


You should have already received an email invitation as well.  Responses are due by August 15, 2017. I will be working out the schedule the following week, then sending out your individual registration form around the end of August.

Thank you to those of you who have already filled out the survey!  

2017-2018 Lessons                                    

Fall lessons begin on Tuesday, September 5.

SAVE THE DATE                                        

Saturday, November 4, Chapel Hill Workshop with Dr. Terry Durbin.  Join us for the day (9a-6p) for group, fiddle, jazz and history classes, parent talks and more!  more details to come.

GWSI 2017

Wednesday, July 12, 2017 by Cortney Baker | Summer Institutes

Sharing a few memories from my week at the GWSI !!

2 of my 3 Masterclasses

1 of my 2 Repertoire Group Classes

Final Concert!  Its hard to tell from this angle, but there are over 100 violinists up on stage!

Overview of the week.  (a little after 9 min, the faculty are all listed)

JULY studio news

Wednesday, July 12, 2017 by Cortney Baker | Studio news

A quick reminder that lessons resume this week.  Several of you have already been to your lessons, but I wanted to send out a reminder anyways! 

I had a wonderful week teaching at the GWSI Institute in Falls Church, VA.  Great students, parents and faculty.  Suzuki Institutes are a great way to give your child a "shot of enthusiasm" during a particularly slower feeling of time during the year.  There are institutes all over the country - a fun way to travel!  If you are interested in knowing where institutes take place, go to the Suzuki Association of the Americas website.  https://suzukiassociation.org/events/institutes/  Plan ahead to attend one next summer.

SAVE THE DATE:Saturday, November 4, Chapel Hill Workshop with Dr. Terry Durbin.  Join us for the day (9a-6p) for group, fiddle, jazz and history classes, parent talks and more!  more details to come.

Heading to Washington DC!

Saturday, June 24, 2017 by Cortney Baker | Summer Institutes

Heading to the Greater Washington Suzuki Institute!

I'm off to a week of great teaching, music and learning.  I look forward every year to working with Suzuki kids and parents from all over the country.  After these 5 days of institute week, I will have taught 60 lessons, 10 group classes, performed on a faculty recital, attended 5 parent lectures, and completed 10 hours of teacher enrichment.  Whew!!  In addition, I am excited to have hours and hours of "talk shop" with colleagues from all over the country.  As much as this is a work week for me, it is also fills up my "teacher tank" with new ideas and tools to bring back and use in our lesson all year long.  Have a great week.  Practice lots.  ☺  I'll see all of you in July!