
AUGUST Studio News

  Wednesday, August 9, 2023 by Cortney Baker | Uncategorized

   August tuition                              

is due at your first lesson of the month.  Consult your monthly invoice for the exact amount. 

Ways to pay:

  1. IN PERSON at your lesson
  2. MAIL CHECK:  814 Pineland Dr, Cary, 27511
  3. ONLINE PAYMENT:  Google Pay or Zelle

   August Schedule                             

There are no lessons Monday, August 28 to Friday, Sept 1

Summer lessons end on August 25.

Log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your specific lesson dates, times and location.  Also included in your account: the link to access the Zoom webpage, previous lesson notes, the monthly studio news, and much more!

   2023-24 Lesson Sign Up                 

Sign Up for Sept-May Lessons using this link: https://forms.gle/dSHKWjYLYte6fpEj8

Deadline for signing up for school year lessons is Friday, August 11.  The more information you can provide me on this Google Form, the more if helps me arrange everyone into my weekly schedule.  If you have questions, please email or text me.  

   August Group Class                        

Group Classes will not meet during the summer months. 

    Studio Videos                                   

Reminder: link to our YouTube folders: https://pinelandsuzukistrings.mymusicstaff.com/Video-Links

For now, I have posted links to the Pre-Twinkle videos, Book 1 accompaniment, Daily Do (for Music Mind Games class), and Christmas Carols.


   Parent Education                              

I have loaded several articles to the Library & Downloads page in your MMS portal with articles and handouts for parents.  Find a title that interests you and read it!  I highly encourage you to take a moment this month to choose one and read it.  There is so much value in motivation for the Suzuki parent.  Let these articles give you that blessing!!    

This month I want to highlight an article in our Online Resource's folder>Parent Education.   https://app.mymusicstaff.com/FileDownloader.ashx?FileID=2118045&FileType=DownloadLibrary&Mode=Inline

Finding a Balance of Deliberate and Informal Practice by Rafael Videira. A wonderful article that lays out the different ways we can practice to ensure progress and enjoyment.

Let me know what you think! If you have time, send me your reaction, thoughts. etc. I would love to know what speaks to you.

   Special Listening                             

Just a reminder that wonderful videos and audio recordings of professional performers can be seen/heard on YouTube.  Use this as the Special Listening assignment for each week.  This month's famous performer is Vanessa-Mae  (see notes below).   

There are other recordings - enjoy looking around and learning more about this great artist of our time.

Please share these with the kids.


Vanessa-Mae (1978)

Sharing her birthday with the legendary violinist, Nicolo Paganini, Vanessa-Mae was born 196 years later on 27 October 1978 in Singapore, to a Singaporean mother and Thai father. After adopting a British father, she moved to London at the age of 4 where she picked up the violin, having already started the piano in Singapore. At the age of 13, she had already recorded three highly-praised classical albums. These contained a wide range of repertoire from masterpiece concertos by Tchaikovsky and Beethoven (the youngest artist ever to record these works).

In studio working on her debut pop album, at the age of 15, she created a completely new genre of music. With the release of The Violin Player in 1995, at the age of 16, she discovered an ecstatic audience of millions worldwide. Her brave approach of presenting the violin in a new style caused controversy among some traditionalist critics but its enormous popularity around the world among music lovers of all kinds established her as a world star and subsequently inspired a wave of new artists following in her footsteps.



Toccata and Fugue, J.S.Bach (arrangement) for organ, orch and violin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg8Fa_EUQqY

Contradanza 1995, Royal Albert Hall:https://youtu.be/e00InJbXPLk

Pagannini, Caprice No, 24 (arrangement) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dxfh-dlTH3M&list=RDz5aaeFIubFI&index=33

    Local Performances                        

*October 27 & 29, NC Opera presents La Traviata by Verdi: https://ncopera.org/2023-2024-season/la-traviata/

*February 2 & 4, NC Opera presents The Barber of Seville by Rossini: https://ncopera.org/2023-2024-season/the-barber-of-seville/

April 21, NC Opera presents The Girl of the Golden West by Puccini: https://ncopera.org/2023-2024-season/the-girl-of-the-golden-west/

*denotes Dr. Baker is performing

    Local Student Orchestras               

Triangle Youth Philharmonic: https://www.triangleyouthmusic.org/ - 5 orchestras: 2 non-audition string orchestras, 3 audition only full orchestras.

Holly Strings Youth Orchestra: https://hsyouthorchestra.org/  4 string orchestras