
MAY studio news

  Wednesday, May 1, 2024 by Cortney Baker | Uncategorized

   May tuition                              

is due at your first lesson of the month.  Consult your monthly invoice for the exact amount. 

Ways to pay:

  1. IN PERSON at your lesson
  2. MAIL CHECK:  814 Pineland Dr, Cary, 27511
  3. ONLINE PAYMENT: Google Pay or Zelle

   May Schedule                             

There are no lessons scheduled on Wednesday, May 15 or Monday, May 27.

2023-2024 lessons end on Friday, May 31.

Log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your specific lesson dates, times and location.  Also included in your account: the link to access the Zoom webpage, previous lesson notes, the monthly studio news, and much more!

   May Group Class                       

Group Classes will meet this month on Friday, May 10th.  Location: Saint Francis UMC. 2965 Kildaire Farm Road, 27518, Sanctuary. Book 1 & 2 students will have a regular group class month, bring all your Music Mind Games materials. Book 4+ student we will be rehearsing your solos with the piano for the solo recital the following day.  

Group schedule:


Bk 1/MMG

Ruthie Catalano, Zoey Cromartie, Eva Dyess, Charlotte Fox, Ava Humes, Cataleya Kelley,         Jackie Kim, Elaine Park, EllaJane Rouse, EvelynKate Rouse, Selah Wallace


Bk 1B-2/MMG

Luke Fox, Divya Kancharla, Maitri Potukuchi,       Connor Raeman, Noah Wallace, Joseph Wetherell, Glover Wilson


Bk 3-5

Claire Catalano, Campbell Fox, Lillian Moore,       Wesley Payne


Bk 6+

Norah Askew, Timothy Baker, Elizabeth Baucom, Hannah Katragadda

                                 *arrive 5 minutes prior to group start time

   May Solo Recital                        

Our Spring Solo Recital is Saturday, May 11 at 4:30 p.m., Saint Francis UMC, Sanctuary.  The recital will be recorded and a link shared for family and friends to watch and support all of the performers!

All studio participants are expected to participate in our 3 recitals each year.


Men/Boys - nice pants and shirt, dress shoes preferred (dark tennis shoes are fine)

Ladies/Girls - dresses (with a below the knee hemline - our "stage" is at eye level for our audience, so please plan accordingly) or dress pants and nice top, dress shoes preferred.


Plan to arrive by 4:10 PM to unpack and tune

   Musical MARCH Madness              

Several of you are continuing to work on your brackets - whoo-hoo!!  Bring them in as soon as they are done.  

We will recognize another group of students at the May recital.   

   Outreach Concerts 2023-24               

All students are invite to participate in our monthly outreach concerts at Spring Arbor of Cary.  These events will require 2-3 studio participants each month.  We will prepare (during weekly lessons) a 20-min concert for the residents and perform it twice within an hour.  Please plan to participate in one of these monthly concerts.

A hearty thank you to Lillian Moore for her preparation and participation in our April Outreach Event.

Upper Level Concert
Lower Level Concert

    Studio Videos                                   

Reminder: link to our YouTube folders: https://pinelandsuzukistrings.mymusicstaff.com/Video-Links

For now, there the folders are for the Pre-Twinkle videos, Book 1 accompaniment, Daily Do (for Music Mind Games class), and Christmas Carols.


   Parent Education                              

I have loaded several articles to the Library & Downloads page in your MMS portal with articles and handouts for parents.  Find a title that interests you and read it!  I highly encourage you to take a moment this month to choose one and read it.  There is so much value in motivation for the Suzuki parent.  Let these articles give you that blessing!!   This link might help to take you there: https://app.mymusicstaff.com/Teacher/v2/en/online-resources

As we move into the summer stretch, I want to help you all find motivation for increasing your practice time each week. Every day is our goal! Summer is the perfect time to turn attention to practicing as so often, our daily schedule is less full.  

Check out this article with ideas for Long Term practice Challenges: Long Term Practice Challenge Ideas by Samara Humbert-Hughes.  Read through this list and see if any of them fit the personality of your student (s). Then, let me know how I can help you -- as cheerleader, co-teacher, or lead.  Practicing is the KEY to progress. Let's continue to find ways to support our student's progress. 

To access these articles, you can also log into MMS and use the tabs to find our Online Resource's folder>Parent Education

Let me know what you think! If you have time, send me your reaction, thoughts. etc. I would love to know what speaks to you.

   Suzuki Summer Institutes                  

Registration for SUZUKI Summer Institutes is underway! Use this link to view all of the options around the country for summer study: https://suzukiassociation.org/events/institutes/

What is an Institute?  It is a 5-day family camp.  Each day, students have a Masterclass lesson and 2-3 classes (group repertoire, group technique, chamber music, orchestra, fiddle, etc) depending on the level of the player and their ability to read music.  Want to know more, please ask me!   

I want to encourage everyone to look at the dates and see how you can fit one of these amazing camps into your schedule this summer.  Several students have attended the NC Institute (which doesn't look like is happening this summer), others have attended virtual camps - there are LOTS of these to consider. 

I will be on faculty at the Greater Washington Suzuki Institute again this year, July 8-12.  I would love for you to consider joining me near our nation's capital.  Lots of fun sightseeing and history to observe when you are not in class!  Here is the link for more info: https://suzukiassociation.org/events/loc/university-louisville-suzuki-string-institute/

I will also be teaching at the Univ of Louisville Suzuki Institute, June 9-14.  Here is the link for more info: https://suzukiassociation.org/events/loc/university-louisville-suzuki-string-institute/

It seems that some Institutes are continuing virtual classes.  I highly encourage in person learning, but you can reduce the cost and time commitment and still experience some of what it is like to work with other teachers and students from around the country!  Several students in our studio have taken advantage of these opportunities in the past.  Each one has come away with a major boost in motivation and confidence! 

   Special Listening                             

Just a reminder that wonderful videos and audio recordings of professional performers can be seen/heard on YouTube.  Use this as the Special Listening assignment for each week.  This month's famous performer is Julian Rachlin (see notes below).   

There are other recordings - enjoy looking around and learning more about this great artist of our time.

Please share these with the kids.


Julian Rachlin

Julian Rachlin (born 8 December 1974) is a Lithuanian-born violinistviolist and conductor. He emigrated in 1978 with his musician parents to Austria. In 1983, he entered the Konservatorium Wien and studied violin in the Soviet tradition with Boris Kuschnir, while also receiving private lessons from Pinchas Zukerman. His career as a child prodigy began with his first public concert in 1984.

In 1988, he took the title of Eurovision Young Musician of the Year, which led to his being invited to appear at the Berlin Festival with conductor Lorin Maazel and to his becoming the youngest soloist to ever play with the Vienna Philharmonic, under the direction of Riccardo Muti.  In 2005, Rachlin made his Carnegie Hall debut when he performed with the New York Philharmonic under Maazel.

Rachlin plays the "ex Liebig" Stradivarius violin (which is loaned to him). His website:  http://julianrachlin.com/About.aspx

Listening video links:

Beethoven, Sonata for Piano and Violin, No. 5, Op 24 "Spring" - https://youtu.be/Ogg0uT9X208?si=sLffgPWlKCasqCnl

Brahms, Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op.77  - https://youtu.be/tPV1kYjOX7I?si=PFyuyjOXGHDRnXJl

Vivaldi, Four Seasons: https://youtu.be/oVwTmXm2Xcw?si=1BCN4pXoGm7lnbkf

    2024 Local Summer Camps                       

Lamar Stringfield Music Camp:  https://stringfieldmusiccamp.com/home
  • Session 1 Day Camp: June 16-21
  • Session 2 Day Camp: June 23-28

Triangle Youth Music Camps:

Financial aid is available for all programs and anyone is welcome!  See below for dates and additional details:

  • Weekly Summer String Orchestra - Mondays from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at Peace Presbyterian Church in Cary, directed by Meaghan Clayton and Myriah Luke. Orchestra begins on June 17th and runs for six weeks, ending on July 22nd with final "in-formance" at 7:30 PM. Cost for six weeks: $100
  • Summer String Camp (half day and full day available) - July 29th - August 2nd at Peace Presbyterian Church in Cary, directed by Meaghan Clayton and Myriah Luke. String summer camp will be a little different this year! From 9 AM - 12 PM, string students of any level can participate in traditional orchestra camp. For those who want to stay for the full day, 1 PM - 4 PM is our new enrichment session, where students can select two options each day, including chamber music (for intermediate/advanced students), TYM audition prep, music theory, music history, and/or music composition/ arranging. Please note: the enrichment portion is only available to students who participate in the morning session.  Cost for Half-Day: $300. Cost for Full-Day: $500
  • Jazz Camp (full day only) -July 22 - July 26th, location TBA, All levels accepted, directed by Kobie Watkins and Gregg Gelb. Students will be broken up into smaller groups based on skill level. Musicians will explore jazz style, improvisation, and prep for TYM auditions. Cost for Full-Day: $500

Registration will be open soon! Contact Katherine Denton katherinedenton@ triangleyouthmusic.org with questions.