
NOVEMBER Studio News

Monday, November 6, 2017 by Cortney Baker | Uncategorized

November tuition                                                                                

is due at your first lesson of the month.  The envelope for tuition is hanging on the cabinet when you enter the studio.  Consult your monthly invoice for the exact amount.

November schedule                                                                          

No lessons Wednesday, November 22 - Friday November 24.
Consult your registration form or log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your specific lesson dates and times.

Group Class                                                                                        

Group classes meet this month on Friday, November 10. Log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your individual group class assignment.


Parent Education                                                                                

I have loaded several articles to the Library & Downloads page in your MMS portal with articles and handouts for parents.  Find a title that interests you and read it! 

This month I encourage each of you to read the article titled: 6 Words You Should Say Today by Rachel Macy Stafford.  Need a little pick-me-up as parent to any / all of your kids?  This is the article to read!!


December Recital                                                                                

Our fall recital is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 9 at 10:30a at Saint Francis UMC.  Please note the TIME CHANGE from our usual afternoon performances.  Plan to arrive at 10:15 to unpack and tune.

Family and friends are invited to attend and support all of the performers!

All studio participants are expected to participate in our 2 recitals each year.  We will begin choosing pieces to perform starting this week.

December Outreach                                                                             

Friday, Dec. 22 at 4:00p at Phoenix Assisted Care in Cary.  All Book 1 and 2 students are invited to perform in this community concert.  Sign up on the MyMusicStaff Event Calendar to let me know you are planning to attend.  

You Tube videos / Special Listening                                                

Just a reminder that wonderful videos and audio recordings of professional performers can be seen/heard on YouTube.  Use this as the Special Listening assignment for each week.
This month's famous performer is Gidon Kremer (see notes below).

Dvorak, Elegy:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7fDr5DVOOE

Mozart, Concerto No. 5 in A Major (Book 9 piece! :-)  :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-tKQ-PqvOM

Video excerpt with a variety of performance when he was younger and just starting his career (including the first mvt of the Tchaikovsky Vln concerto):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utY6lvTabe0

Astor Piazzolla, Oblivion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg__yDK-0rk


Please share these with the kids.

Born in Latvia, Gidon Kremer burst onto the scene by winning every major competition, joining the ranks of famous violinists with his unusual style. His creativity leads to serious improvisation, and that makes him a favorite among modern composers. Since 1997 he has directed groups of young players to find their own sound.

Upcoming local concert dates                                                           

*Nov 18 (5:30 pm): CARY CLASSICAL CONCERTS, St. Francis UMC: An evening of Dvorak.  http://www.saintfrancisumc.org/cary-classical-concerts

*Dec 1 (7:30p), 2 (2p), & 3 (3p): Duke Chapel choir and orchestra present Messiah by Handel   
*indicates performance Dr. Baker is playing.
Websites for local concerts:

NC Symphony Calendar of events: https://www.ncsymphony.org/concerts-events/single-ticket-calendar/

Duke Performances 2017-18.  Use this link to view upcoming performances at Duke University    http://dukeperformances.duke. edu/ 
NC Museum of Art Chamber Music Concerts. Use this link to view upcoming performance at the NC Museum of Art.  http://ncartmuseum.org/p rograms_and_events/view/perfor mances_concerts

NCSU Center Stage Performances.  Use this link to view upcoming performances http://www.ncsu.e du/centerstage/currentseason/i ndex.html



Pinecone youth music camps: https://pinecone.org/co ntent/youth-music-programs

Triangle youth orchestra: http://philharmonic -association.org/index-temp.ht ml

**If you know of any other events in the area.  Send them to me via email and I can mail out to everyone!  Thanks.