

Friday, September 7, 2018 by Cortney Baker | Studio news

  September tuition                                         

is due at your first lesson of the month.  The envelope for tuition is hanging on the cabinet when you enter the studio.  Consult your monthly invoice for the exact amount.

  September Schedule                                    

Consult your registration form or log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your specific lesson dates and times.

  Group Class                                                  

Group classes will not meet during the summer months.

  Fall Chapel Hill/Durham Workshop           

Dear Suzuki Friends,

Registration for the Chapel Hill Cooperative Suzuki Project's Fall workshop opens today!  Registration will be open until Sept 15, but last year we ran out of space, so register early! Visit suzukiworkshop.com to register. 

The workshop is Saturday, October 6.

This workshop is beneficial for all levels: Pre-twinkle through Book 10, so if you're wondering whether your students should attend, the answer is yes!  

Optionsyou may choose to register for the workshop on Saturday, Oct. 6, for a master class on Oct 5 or 7, or you can register for both.  


Amy and the Workshop Team

**I HIGHLY recommend making time to participate in this yearly event.  I am late in getting the website link to you all. :-(    Please note that you have only this week to register.  I am planning to make it a focus of mine to mention it in lessons this week.  

Join Timothy and I for a day of making music with fellow musicians in the Triangle area and with an amazing faculty of teachers!

   Parent Education                                        

I have loaded several articles to the Library & Downloads page in your MMS portal with articles and handouts for parents.  Find a title that interests you and read it!  So glad that several of you are taking advantage of these articles.  If you haven't downloaded any of them yet, I highly encourage you to take a moment this month to choose one and read it.  There is so much value in motivation for the Suzuki parent.  Let these articles give you that value!!

Every summer the SAA (Suzuki Association of the Americas) publishes a Mini-Journal that is distributed at summer institutes all over the country.  This month I am adding the article by Megan Titensor, "Suzuki Wisdom I Learned from my GPS Navigation System I thought this article would be a great one to read at the start of the year as we embark on the next leg of our journey together.  


Websites for local concerts:

NC Symphony Calendar of events: https://www.ncsymphony.org/concerts-events/single-ticket-calendar/

Duke Performances 2018-19.  Use this link to view upcoming performances at Duke University    https://dukeperformances.duke.edu/

NC Museum of Art Chamber Music Concerts. Use this link to view upcoming performance at the NC Museum of Art.  https://ncartmuseum.org/calendar/series_parent/summer_concerts

NCSU Center Stage Performances.  Use this link to view upcoming performances https://live.arts.ncsu.edu/events/nc-state-live-2018-19-season/



Pinecone youth music camps: https://pinecone.org/co   ntent/youth-music-programs

Triangle youth orchestra: http://philharmonic   -association.org/index-temp.ht   ml

**If you know of any other events in the area.  Send them to me via email and I can mail out to everyone!  Thanks.