
NOVEMBER Studio News

  Sunday, November 1, 2020 by Cortney Baker | Uncategorized

  November tuition                               

is due at your first lesson of the month.  Consult your monthly invoice for the exact amount. 

Ways to pay:

  1. MAIL CHECK:  814 Pineland Dr, Cary, 27511
  2. ONLINE PAYMENT:  PayPal (include fee) or Google Pay (no fee) 

What to do:

Reply to your invoice email on the 1st and let me know how you will send tuition this month. 

1. Check is in the mail, 

2. PayPal link on invoice (you will pay the 2.9% fee), or 

3. Google Pay (I will need to send you money request to go this route.  I will send out requests to everyone who chose this option prior)

  November Schedule                              

No Lessons are scheduled from Mon, Nov 23 to Fri, Nov 27.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your specific lesson dates, times and location.  Also included in your account: the link to access the Zoom webpage, previous lesson notes, the monthly studio news, and much more! 

   Group Classes                                   

Group Classes will meet on Friday, November 6th.  Location: Zoom.  This is our dress rehearsal for the solo recital the following day. Everyday attire is fine.  "Dress rehearsal" just means we will be going over the logistics of how the recital will work.  Please have your "at home" recital location chosen and set up, and the accompaniment files ready to play with.  

Here is our schedule:



Katie Cantrell, Ruthie Catalano, Zoey Cromartie, Charlotte Fox, Divya Kancharla, Cataleya Kelley, Glover Wilson


Early Bk 1

Luke Fox, Logan Isett, Christian Kelley, Maitri Potukuchi, Connor Raeman, Selah Wallace, Annabelle Zipparo, 


Late Bk 1-Bk 2

Carter Bettini, Claire Catalano, Campbell Fox, 

Lillian Moore*, Wesley Payne, Noah Wallace, Gabrielle Zipparo


Bk 4+

Elizabeth Baucom*, Rachel Cantrell*, Hannah Katragadda*


Bk 4+

Ella Armstrong*, Timothy Baker*, Ameris Rood*

*I will send you separate information regarding location and details for the rehearsal and recital.

   November Solo Recital                      

Our fall recital is scheduled for Saturday, November 7 at 10:30 a.m. Location: ZOOM (link info below). Family and friends are invited to attend and support all of the performers!  I will send out an email invite shortly so you can share with anyone you would like to invite

All studio participants are expected to participate in our 2 recitals each year.


Men/Boys - nice pants and shirt, dress shoes preferred (dark tennis shoes are fine)

Ladies/Girls - dresses (with a below the knee hemline - our "stage" is at eye level for our audience, so please plan accordingly) or dress pants and nice top, dress shoes preferred.


Plan to log into the Zoom room by 10:15 AM.  Have your violin unpacked and tuned to A=441 (if you need help with this, please ask!)  I will set up a Zoom waiting room again.  You all will be admitted at 10:15.  Audience members will be admitted at 10:30 (after I have been able to assign all of the performers co-host status). 

Join Zoom Meeting for Fall Solo Recital:

Meeting ID: 884 6624 5334
Passcode: solo

  Online Community Play-In                  

Use this link to register to participate in a monthly Virtual Book 1 or 2 Play In!  https://www.cyosc.org/violin-play-in.html   Once you register to participate, they will send you information regarding the day and time. 

How wonderful is this to be able to play with other Suzuki students from all over the country!!  From what I understand the accompaniment track is an orchestra (a unique opportunity) and there will be a "conductor" leading the class.  If you are able to participate, please let me know how it goes!

   ZOOM Virtual Lessons                        

Here is the link to use for online lessons: https://zoom.us/j/9799595937

Password: cbviolin

Thank you all for continuing to work on establishing lesson etiquette online.  A few reminders:

  • Set up your lesson space with ample time to log in 5 minutes before your lesson time.  (music stand, music, tuned instrument, etc)
  • Please have the video in landscape (horizontal) setting so I can see both arms.  Test out your bow arm at the tip...can you see your bow hold in the picture with your arm extended?  I do not need to see your music stand, that can be off to the side of the camera.
  • Turn off as many Wi-Fi devices in your house as you are able.  The more devices you have accessing your router, the more delays and cut outs happen when you are playing.  Airplane mode?  I will have most everything here at my house removed from our router during lesson times to help us out.  
  • Mute yourself and even turn off your video to be less of a distraction to the lesson in progress.
  • Feel free to experiment with speakers or mics on your end to be able to hear me / make your audio sharper. 

You can also access the Zoom link through the MMS website.  Log into your user account and click on the link associated with the event.

   Parent Education                            

           I have loaded several articles to the Library & Downloads page in your MMS portal with articles and handouts for parents.  Find a title that interests you and read it!  I highly encourage you to take a moment this month to choose one and read it.  There is so much value in motivation for the Suzuki parent.  Let these articles give you that blessing!!    

This month I am pointing us back to an article I had shared a while back.  As many of you are working to graduate books and finish up those repetition charts thought I would share a few timely tidbits: "Repetition Can Be Fun" by Laura Yeh, Suzuki teacher in St. Louis, MO.  For the older kids, I particularly like the MadLibs idea.  Maybe reading these ideas will help you create an interesting plan specific to your child's preferences?!

           If you have time, send me your reaction, thoughts. etc.  I would love to know what speaks to you.    


    Suzuki Book Recordings                                  

New recordings of the Suzuki Books 1-3 performed by violinist Hilary Hahn have just been released!   Use this link to read more and/or purchase from iTunes, Amazon Music or Alfred websites: https://www.alfred.com/suzuki-violin-overview/ 

   Special Listening                             

Just a reminder that wonderful videos and audio recordings of professional performers can be seen/heard on YouTube.  Use this as the Special Listening assignment for each week.  This month's famous performer is SooBeen Lee (see notes below).   

There are other recordings - enjoy looking around and learning more about this great artist of our time.


Introduction and Rondo Capriccio, Saint-Saens: https://youtu.be/18gX2pbB1mc

"Melodie", Tchaikovsky: https://youtu.be/tx31Ym8ui6Y

Four Seasons of Buenos Aires (Winter) A.Pizzolla: https://youtu.be/rG3K1FuNAIs

Piano Trio in B-flat, Schubert: https://youtu.be/53J56m_MP98

Please share these with the kids.

Violinist SooBeen Lee has been called “Korea’s hottest violin prodigy” (HanCinema). She has already appeared as soloist with every major Korean orchestra, including the Seoul and Busan Philharmonics and KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) Symphony Orchestra.

SooBeen Lee began studying the violin at the age of four. At eight years old she won the National Competition of the Korean Chamber Orchestra, she won First Prize at the Russia International Youth Violin Competition the following year, and she captured First Prize at the 2013 Moscow International David Oistrakh Violin Competition. Ms. Lee currently studies with Miriam Fried at the New England Conservatory, where she performed the Sibelius Violin Concerto as winner of their Concerto Competition.