
GWSI 2017

Wednesday, July 12, 2017 by Cortney Baker | Summer Institutes

Sharing a few memories from my week at the GWSI !!

2 of my 3 Masterclasses

1 of my 2 Repertoire Group Classes

Final Concert!  Its hard to tell from this angle, but there are over 100 violinists up on stage!

Overview of the week.  (a little after 9 min, the faculty are all listed)

Heading to Washington DC!

Saturday, June 24, 2017 by Cortney Baker | Summer Institutes

Heading to the Greater Washington Suzuki Institute!

I'm off to a week of great teaching, music and learning.  I look forward every year to working with Suzuki kids and parents from all over the country.  After these 5 days of institute week, I will have taught 60 lessons, 10 group classes, performed on a faculty recital, attended 5 parent lectures, and completed 10 hours of teacher enrichment.  Whew!!  In addition, I am excited to have hours and hours of "talk shop" with colleagues from all over the country.  As much as this is a work week for me, it is also fills up my "teacher tank" with new ideas and tools to bring back and use in our lesson all year long.  Have a great week.  Practice lots.  ☺  I'll see all of you in July!