
JUNE Studio News

Friday, June 1, 2018 by Cortney Baker | Studio news

  June tuition                                                   

is due at your first lesson of the month.  The envelope for tuition is hanging on the cabinet when you enter the studio.  Consult your monthly invoice for the exact amount.

  June Schedule                                              

There are no lessons Wednesday, June 13 - Friday, June 15 or Monday, June  27 - Friday, June 31 this month.

Consult your registration form or log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your specific lesson dates and times.

  Group Class                                                  

Group classes will not meet during the summer months.

  Summer Lesson Sign Up                             

If you have not signed up for summer lessons, send in your sign up sheet as soon as you are able.  Continued lesson through out the summer months will help your child remain confident and interested in their skills as a young musician.  I will accommodate your requests as best I can around the lessons already scheduled.  

Summer lessons will run June 4 to August 24.

  Summer Institues                                          

 I highly recommend attending a summer institute. To learn more about the locations near us (or not near us), visit the Suzuki Association of the Americas website: https://suzukiassociation.org/events/institutes/

I will be teaching at the Greater Washington Suzuki Institute in June.  To learn more: https://suzukiassociation.org/events/loc/greater-washington-suzuki-institute/

There is an institute in North Carolina: https://suzukiassociation.org/events/loc/north-carolina-suzuki-institute/

Dr. Durbin directs the institute in Kentucky: https://suzukiassociation.org/events/loc/university-louisville-suzuki-string-institute/

     Parent Education                                         

I have loaded several articles to the Library & Downloads page in your MMS portal with articles and handouts for parents.  Find a title that interests you and read it!   

(I've noticed that most of you have not looked at the articles I post.  I HIGHLY recommend you take 5-6 min / month to read over the articles I post.  Remember the Suzuki Triangle?  Allow me to educate and encourage you by reading these articles, they will be food for your soul and will help you intentionally direct your child's musical path.  If having a printed copy would help, please let me know.)

This month I added the article:  Today's Investment - Beyond Technology by Laurie Stroup.  This article introduces us to the idea that a Suzuki education (parental involvement, daily listening and practice) can stand up to our current culture, steeped in technology in way that promotes positive growth, self-esteem and life balance.  Enjoy and hope you glean a few nuggets to add to your practice routine!!

  You Tube videos / Special Listening            

Just a reminder that wonderful videos and audio recordings of professional performers can be seen/heard on YouTube.  Use this as the Special Listening assignment for each week.  
This month's famous performer is Maxim Vengerov (see notes below).   

Sibelius, Violin Concerto:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsbrRAgv1b4

Ysaye -  Ballade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIkl-PEVv6Y

Brahms, Hungarian Dance No. 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ddzG9M-BeI

Dvorak/Kreisler, Danse Slave No. 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGoiwojlc6M

Dvorak, Humoresque (a Suzuki Book 3 piece!!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_JoPEX3pxc

There as so many recordings of him - enjoy looking around and learning more about this great artist of our time.


Please share these with the kids.

Maxim Vengerov (1974 - ) 

Few violinists appear so effortless in performance than Russian Maxim Vengerov, another prodigy made good. Oh, and he’s the first musician to be made an International Goodwill Ambassador by UNICEF.

Image result for maxim vengerov

Upcoming local concert dates                                      

*Sunday, June 3, 5:00 pm - Cary Classical Concert series, final performance for the season at Saint Francis UMC: http://www.saintfrancisumc.org/cary-classical-concerts

*indicates performance Dr. Baker is playing.  
Websites for local concerts:

NC Symphony Calendar of events: https://www.ncsymphony.org/concerts-events/single-ticket-calendar/

Duke Performances 2017-18.  Use this link to view upcoming performances at Duke University    http://dukeperformances.duke.   edu/   
NC Museum of Art Chamber Music Concerts. Use this link to view upcoming performance at the NC Museum of Art.  http://ncartmuseum.org/p   rograms_and_events/view/perfor   mances_concerts

NCSU Center Stage Performances.  Use this link to view upcoming performances http://www.ncsu.e   du/centerstage/currentseason/i   ndex.html



Pinecone youth music camps: https://pinecone.org/co   ntent/youth-music-programs

Triangle youth orchestra: http://philharmonic   -association.org/index-temp.ht   ml

**If you know of any other events in the area.  Send them to me via email and I can mail out to everyone!  Thanks.