
AUGUST Studio News

  Thursday, August 1, 2024 by Cortney Baker | Uncategorized

   August tuition                              

is due at your first lesson of the month.  Consult your monthly invoice for the exact amount. 

Ways to pay:

  1. IN PERSON at your lesson
  2. MAIL CHECK:  814 Pineland Dr, Cary, 27511
  3. ONLINE PAYMENT: Zelle, Venmo 

   August Schedule                             

2024 summer lessons conclude on Friday, August 23.  

You can still add summer lessons this month, just be in touch!

Log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your specific lesson dates, times and location.  Also included in your account: the link to access the Zoom webpage, previous lesson notes, the monthly studio news, and much more!

   2024-25 Lesson Sign Up             

Sign Up for Sept-May Lessons using this link: https://forms.gle/VB4PDeXCKhmKYqfe6

Deadline for signing up for school year lessons is NEXT FRIDAY, August 9.  The more information you can provide me on this Google Form, the more if helps me arrange everyone into my weekly schedule.  If you have questions, please email or text me.  

   Group Class                                 

Group Classes will take a break for the summer months.  They will resume with the 2024-2025 school year schedule.

    Studio Videos                              

Reminder: link to our YouTube folders: https://pinelandsuzukistrings.mymusicstaff.com/Video-Links

For now, there the folders are for the Pre-Twinkle videos, Book 1 accompaniment, Daily Do (for Music Mind Games class), and Christmas Carols.


   Parent Education                         

I have loaded several articles to the Library & Downloads page in your MMS portal with articles and handouts for parents.  Find a title that interests you and read it!  I highly encourage you to take a moment this month to choose one and read it.  There is so much value in motivation for the Suzuki parent.  Let these articles give you that blessing!!   This link might help to take you there: https://app.mymusicstaff.com/Teacher/v2/en/online-resources

The 2024-25 school year will be the YEAR of LISTENING, in our studio. I am excited to see the results of this studio-wide focus. BUT...you do not have to wait until September to get started. Our log in chart in the studio has already been transformed! Keep a tally of every day that you LISTEN (to Suzuki recordings, to special listening, to supplementary pieces, etc.) and bring in your tally to record.  Let's use these summer months to add listening to the daily rhythm of our lives so we are ready for the studio-wide challenge coming in the fall. 

Several of our online articles explain the importance of and benefits of daily listening to assist in a musical education. Take some time to read over these in the coming weeks:

Playing by Ear by Jeanne Ludeke. This article highlights the fundamentals of why daily listening is important to the process of learning pieces "by ear".

The Role of Listening by Cherie Robertson.  Listening is essence of learning. Read her narrative to understand how she came to this conclusion.

Listening by Gilda Barston. I recently stumbled on this download from one of our well-known Suzuki cello teachers. She has raised several of her own Suzuki-trained musicians as well as impacted the lives of hundreds of cello students.

To access these articles, you can also log into MMS and use the tabs to find our Online Resource's folder>Parent Education

Let me know what you think! If you have time, send me your reaction, thoughts. etc. I would love to know what speaks to you.

   Special Listening                             

Just a reminder that wonderful videos and audio recordings of professional performers can be seen/heard on YouTube.  Use this as the Special Listening assignment for each week.  This month's famous performer is Arabella Steinbacher (see notes below).   

There are other recordings - enjoy looking around and learning more about this great artist of our time.

Please share these with the kids.


Arabella Steinbacher

Steinbacher was born in Munich on November 14, 1981, to a Japanese mother and a German father. When she was three, her mother read that a German violin teacher had recently returned from Japan after studying the Suzuki method. Steinbacher started violin lessons at that time. When she was nine years old, she was enrolled at the Munich College of Music and mentored by Ana Chumachenco.

Arabella Steinbacher has been recording exclusively for PENTATONE since 2009. Among many international and national music prizes and nominations, she has been twice awarded the ECHO Klassik.

As CARE ambassador, Steinbacher is driven to use music as a means to uplift and support those in need. She launched a December 2011 Japan tour in response to the tsunami disaster earlier that year. The DVD release “Arabella Steinbacher – Music of Hope” featured her outreach, and youth recitals from this tour and was released shortly after.

Steinbacher currently plays the Booth Stradivarius (1716) provided by the Nippon Music Foundation.

A. Dvorak, 4 Romantic Pieces, Op 75:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekGzkCFFoxE

R. Vaughn Williams, The Lark Ascending: https://youtu.be/YsWNS5Tp5pI?si=K4xgA0kCvAkxUnLa

J. Massenet, Meditation from 'Thais':  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sgsGWggCe8

W.A.Mozart, Concerto in G Major: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_EGP7pnVI0

    Local Performances                        

*Sept 12, 7:30p - NC Opera in the Park, join us to hear some of the greatest hits from the opera repertoire: https://ncopera.org/2024-2025-season/opera-in-the-park/   tickets are available through the NC Art Museum, it is possible that if you are a member there is a discount to the ticket price.  I have not looked into this, though.

*Nov 10, 2:00p - NC Opera presents Ernani by Verdi: https://ncopera.org/2024-2025-season/ernani/

*Jan 31 & Feb 2 - NC Opera presents Florencia en el Amazonas by Daniel Catán: https://ncopera.org/2024-2025-season/florencia-en-el-amazonas/

*April 4 & 6 - NC Opera presents The Marriage of Figaro by W.A.Mozart: https://ncopera.org/2024-2025-season/the-marriage-of-figaro/ 

*denotes Dr. Baker is performing