
JANUARY Studio News

Monday, January 8, 2018 by Cortney Baker | Uncategorized

 January tuition                                                              

is due at your first lesson of the month.  The envelope for tuition is hanging on the cabinet when you enter the studio.  Consult your monthly invoice for the exact amount.

  January schedule                                                        

No lessons Friday, December 22 - Friday, January 5.
Consult your registration form or log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your specific lesson dates and times.

  Group Class                                                                  

Group classes meet this month on Friday, January 12. This is a change from the original schedule. Mark you calendars accordingly.  Log in to your MyMusicStaff portal to see your individual group class assignment.

  Parent Education                                                          

I have loaded several articles to the Library & Downloads page in your MMS portal with articles and handouts for parents.  Find a title that interests you and read it!   

(I've noticed that most of you have not looked at the articles I post.  I HIGHLY recommend you take 5-6 min / month to read over the articles I post.  Remember the Suzuki Triangle?  Allow me to educate and encourage you by reading these articles, they will be food for your soul and will help you intentionally direct your child's musical path.  If having a printed copy would help, please let me know.)

This month I am posting a link to an online article:  The Ins and Outs of Progress by Lamar Blum: Click here to read article   How we view our child's progress can mean all the difference in their success as a musician.  As we begin a new calendar year, take some time to see notice the wonderful things you and your child are accomplishing.

You Tube videos / Special Listening                            

Just a reminder that wonderful videos and audio recordings of professional performers can be seen/heard on YouTube.  Use this as the Special Listening assignment for each week.  
This month's famous performer is Viktoria Mullova (see notes below).   

Sibelius, Violin Concerto:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78f2yuaS_Jg

Tchaikovsky, Violin Concerto (excerpt from the Tchaikovsky competition in 1982 - great close up of her bow and left hand):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi_8bVJcbHw

J.S.Bach, Sonata No. 1 in G minor, Adagio:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXE_9wV8iq4

Abreu's Tico Tico (from one of her non-classical albums): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=re5x0C9j_eQ


Please share these with the kids.

Viktoria Mullova began her career by winning two major music contests: the Sibelius competition in Helsinki in 1980 and the Tchaikovsky gold medal in 1982. She is renowned for her recordings of Bach, which have received exceptional reviews internationally, and more recently she has experimented with other, more contemporary styles.

She defected from the Soviet Union in 1983, and brought with her a powerful and authoritative technique. In her later years she has become softer and more personable with her playing, including an exploration of jazz and world music styles. Her wide career range has made her a favorite among famous violinists.

viktoria mullova

Upcoming local concert dates                                                                                                      

*Jan 26 (7:30p), 28 (2p):  NCOpera presents Rigoletto by Verdi    http://www.ncopera.org/performances/1718-two  

*Feb 17 (8p):  Durham Choral Society presents Stabat Mater by Dvorak at the Duke Chapel     http://choral-society.org/concerts/current-season/

*March 4 (4p):  Duke Chapel Choir presents Elijah by Mendelssohn at the Duke Chapel     https://chapel.duke.edu/music

*April 8 (3p):  NC Master Chorale presents a 'mixed' mass (several movements from various great composer's works of this genre)     http://ncmasterchorale.org/event/motus-missae/

*indicates performance Dr. Baker is playing.  
Websites for local concerts:

NC Symphony Calendar of events: https://www.ncsymphony.org/concerts-events/single-ticket-calendar/

Duke Performances 2017-18.  Use this link to view upcoming performances at Duke University    http://dukeperformances.duke.   edu/   
NC Museum of Art Chamber Music Concerts. Use this link to view upcoming performance at the NC Museum of Art.  http://ncartmuseum.org/p   rograms_and_events/view/perfor   mances_concerts

NCSU Center Stage Performances.  Use this link to view upcoming performances http://www.ncsu.e   du/centerstage/currentseason/i   ndex.html



Pinecone youth music camps: https://pinecone.org/co   ntent/youth-music-programs

Triangle youth orchestra: http://philharmonic   -association.org/index-temp.ht   ml

**If you know of any other events in the area.  Send them to me via email and I can mail out to everyone!  Thanks.